Today, I bought 3 things: TIS-100 for €7, Little Inferno, for €2,24, and an awful Mac Donalds icecream for €2. It looked like this but then white: :hankey: jkjkjk

Seriously, who eats - or buys - those things? I thought it was tasty but it wasn’t. After it I got a slight weirdness in my stomach. Coincidence? For the same money, I could have bought 200 ultra bright red LED’s, without even bulk buying.

Little Inferno is great fun. Just burning things and see what happens, always fascinated me.

I like TIS-100 a lot too. Solving stuff with assembly code… What a gem. Nobody asked for a puzzle game where you need to solve things with assembly code. How did he come up with that?(Gah. Human Resource Machine also looks interesting!)

But all that wasn’t easy for me. I spent a long time thinking about TIS-100. I saw it, I liked it, and thought: “This is awesome, I buy it!”

As soon as I thought that, the feels came into my stomach. Stupid thoughts entered my head. Thankfully there’s such a thing as common sense, so that’s a small problem.

I kept myself from buying it. It was literally moving the cursor with my sweaty hands to the cheesy “Add to cart” button, then thinking 5 minutes about nonsense, then moving it away again. Then speeding up and click it, but then don’t proceed any steps further.

Thankfully a friend came over, we ate an icecream(the doomed one), he told me about Little Inferno, I bought it as soon as we got home together with TIS-100, without really problems and a good feeling(like when you get a package delivered to your door). We had great fun with Little Inferno, then played some TIS-100, then he went home.

That went pretty good I guess. Last time I bought a PC game was two weeks ago, before that it was just Minecraft back in 2010.

But it’s not just with a few games. It’s with somewhat everything. I need new shoes, but I really don’t like going to the store and fit and then end up buying crappy shoes just to get rid of it. Once I plan it and take the time, I enter a rest, and then it’s OK.

My pay-premium-get-china-iP:trollface:d Touch broke. I jailbreak’ed it so I could use Zuckerbergs evil Whatsapp, but everything is broken: It’s slow, home button is broken, touch screen broken, cable broken… I want/need a new smartphone.

But that’s a real pain. I spent days thinking about it, comparing phones, asking advice… I finally got this state of acceptance that no phone is perfect and buying one will cost money. It’s much easier to choose now.

In November 2014, I backed Espruino Pico(which is basically “a small arduino with javascript”). I didn’t know anything about electronics back then, so I wanted to try this out. I had two choices: either get a starter kit with some parts, or getting more parts - with a starter kit, but spending more money. I had a few hours to decide in the night.

That night I was staring to my screen, stressed, almost shaking, with painfull eyes. Thinking, thinking, thinking. Around 1 the morning, I choosed the more parts, but then quickly reverted it back to what I initially had, a starter kit.

I should’ve done both. I love it really.

I think the problem will pretty much solve itself in some degree. When I am relaxed and can think sane, buying stuff is not that hard.